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Beginning in the mid-19th century, there has been a long history of racism, nativism, and xenophobia against Asian Americans when Asian immigrants were deemed “the yellow peril” and accused of being filthy disease carriers.

But with the onslaught of CoVID-19, yet another chapter in anti-Asian racism has unfolded with the first spike in anti-Asian hate crimes in March and April 2020. Then sharp increases in anti-Asian racist attacks and harassment continued throughout the pandemic. Stop AAPI Hate has collected nearly 4,000 reports from all 50 states in different Asian languages. This number is likely a gross under count as many victims do not wish to file reports on the website or with the police. Chinese are the largest ethnic group (42.2%) that report experiencing hate, followed by Koreans (14.8%), Vietnamese (8.5%), and Filipinos (7.9%).

The Asian Health Institute at the University of California, San Francisco saw to the seriousness of the situation, and mobilized senior Asian faculty leaders at UCSF to write a letter to the Chancellor of the Schools and the President/CEO of the Medical Center. 

The documents listed under CoVID-Anti Asian Racism chronicle the testament to this advocacy effort. They are the very first time in UCSF’s entire history that the Chancellor has stood up for Asian communities, and it is especially significant that Asians in an academic institution have broken a common stereotype of being quiet and hard-working, but non-vocal. 

There is much work ahead to correct systemic racism, but Asian faculty leaders at UCSF have etched a good beginning.

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但是,新冠病毒的廣泛傳播揭開了反亞裔種族主義的序幕,因仇恨亞裔犯罪的首次爆發是在2020年的3月和4月。如Stop AAPI Hate之類的組織現在已經從不同的以不同的亞裔語言收集了近4,000個報告 - 一個很可能被低估了的數字,因為許多人不希望向網站或警察提交報告。華人是最大的民族(42.2%)報告經歷仇恨,其次是韓國人(14.8%)、越南人(8.5%)和菲律賓人(7.9%)。


