UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehansive Cancer Center
The UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehansive Cancer Center is the only center in the Bay Area to receive the prestigious designation of "comprehensive" from the National Cancer Institute. We treat all forms of cancer.
With new facilities, expanded programs and innovative research, we help cancer patients live longer and fuller lives. The center ranks first in California and sixth nationwide in Nation Cancer Institute research grants, and is home to pioneers in research into genetics, cellular and immune system causes and responses to cancer.

Breast Cancer Adriamycin Cyclophosphamide Breast Cancer Surgery: Use of Needle (Wire) Localization Breast Reconstruction Capecitabine Chemotherapy Guidelines for Women Newly Dx with Cancer Consent To Be A Research Subject Cyclophosphamide Docetaxel Everolimus Hormonal Therapy and Breast cancer Jackson-Pratt Drains Look Good Feel Better class Lumpectomy/ Partial Mastectomy with Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Lumpectomy/ Re-excision: Instructions before surgery Making a Decision about Breast Reconstruction Mastectomy: Instructions Before Surgery Paclitaxel Placement of Incision (scar) Post-Surgical Resources and Information Pre- and Postop Exercises After Breast Implant Reconstruction Pre- and Postop Exercises after Breast Reconstruction with TRAM Flap Pre and Post-Operative Exercises after Lumpectomy with Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Pre and Post-Operative Exercises after Modified Radical Mastectomy with Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Questions and Answers About Tamoxifen Cancer Facts Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection Tamoxifen What to expect in the hospital after breast reconstruction surgery Colorectal Cancer
After anal and rectal surgery After Low Anterior Resection for Treatment of Rectal Cancer Chemotherapy Guidelines Colorectal Surgery Instructions Colostomy Highlights How to manage diarrhea during chemotherapy Ileoanal Reservoir Operation Booklet Ileostomy Highlights Irinotecan (Folfiri) Living with a Colostomy Living with an ileostomy Look Good Feel Better class Nutrition for High Ostomy Output Oxaliplatin (Folfox)
Endocrinology Look Good Feel Better class FAQs Parathyroidectomy FAQs Thyroidectomy
Gynecological Cancer
Cervical Cancer Chemotherapy Information Sheet Gynecological Cancer Look Good Feel Better class Ovarian Cancer Preparing for Enhanced Recovery After Minimally Invasive Surgery Preparing for Enhanced Recovery After Minimally Invasive Surgery
Lung Cancer Food Safety During Surgery How Do I Contact My Health Care Team Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrheal, Constipation Medications Look Good Feel Better class Thoracic Surgery Specific Details
Osseointegration Center Discharge Instructions for Head and Neck Radiation Therapy Head and Neck CA Radiation Oncology Program Look Good Feel Better class Osseointegration Information OPRA recruitment letter Osseointegration risks Questionnaire for Persons with a Transfemoral Amputation: Team Assessment Questionnaire
Pancreatic Cancer Look Good Feel Better class Patients Guide to Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer Look Good Feel Better class Patients Guide to Prostate Cancer
該中心的新設施,擴大服務方案和創新研究,能幫助癌症患者活得更長壽和活得更充實。這癌症中心在加州排名第一, 並是從國家癌症研究所收到最高研究經費的全國癌症中心中排行第六,它更是研究遺傳學,細胞和免疫系統的致癌原因和反應的先驅。

乳癌 阿黴素及環磷酰胺 乳癌手術:使用針(金屬線)定位 乳房重建整形手術 卡培士他濱 被新診斷有乳癌婦女的化療指南 同意成為研究對象 環磷酰胺 多西他賽 依維莫司 乳癌和荷爾蒙療法 傑克遜•普拉特(JP)引流瓶管 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 部分乳房腫瘤切除術與腋窩淋巴結剖割 局部乳房切除術/重複切除術:手術前解說 重建乳房整形手術的決策 乳房切除術:手術前解說 紫杉醇 切口位置(疤痕) 手術後的資源和訊息 乳房假體重建手術前和後該做的運動 使用腹直肌皮瓣重建乳房手術之前和之後要做的運動 切除乳房腫瘤部分與腋下淋巴結手術前和後要做的運動 改良切除有腫瘤乳房與腋下淋巴結手術前和後要做的運動 泰莫西芬治療癌症的問題與解答 淋巴結保衛切除術 泰莫西芬 (諾瓦得士錠) 在乳房重建手術後可預期的情況
大腸癌 肛門與直腸手術後 治療直腸癌的前低位切除術後 化療指引 結直腸手術說明 結腸造口術簡要 如何處理化療期間出現之腹瀉 迴腸造口術簡要 迴腸肛門造貯存容器手術小冊子 Irinotecan (Folfiri) 做結腸造口術後的生活(Colostomy) 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 造口術後高排出量對營養方面之影響和處理 奧沙利鉑 (Folfox)
內分泌科 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 有關甲狀旁腺切除術常見的問題 常見有關甲狀腺切除術的問題
宮頸癌 化學治療資料 婦科腫瘤 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 卵巢癌 微創手術後盡快康復之備錄 手術後盡快康復之備錄
肺癌 癌症手術期間的食物安全 如何聯繫我的醫療團隊? 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 噁心,嘔吐,腹瀉,便秘的藥物 胸外科服務的具體細節
Osseointegration Center 頭頸放射治療的出院指引 頭頸腫瘤放射治療部門 骨整合外科手術 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 OPRA 招募信 骨整合手術的風險 經股骨截肢的人士 : 團隊評估
胰腺癌 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 胰腺癌指引
列腺癌 容光煥發,心情更好美容示範講座 列腺癌指引