

Peripheral Artery Disease

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Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a disease affecting the arteries outside of the brain and heart. For people with this condition, the arteries bringing blood to the legs are most affected. Those at risk for PAD are individuals who have ever smoked or are currently smoking, people with diabetes, and those that have heart disease, high cholesterol, and/or high blood pressure.

Patients with PAD experience either:
  • Wounds on the feet or legs that do not heal or heal very slowly. Sometimes the toes can even turn black, or
  • A painful, cramping sensation in their calf muscles, thigh muscles or buttock muscles while exerting themselves (this pain goes away after resting, and is typically not worsened by standing)

If you believe you may have PAD, talk to your primary care provider. There is a test called an Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) Test that can diagnose patients with PAD. This test compares the blood pressure reaching your arms to the blood pressure reaching your feet. Generally, the blood pressures should be similar, but, for those with PAD, the blood pressure reaching the ankle is lower. Those diagnosed with PAD should be referred to a vascular surgeon, who are experienced in the nonoperative (conservative) and operative management of this condition.

There are low-cost medications that help prevent the progression of PAD. Walking for at least 30 minutes, three times weekly is also recommended. Sometimes, patients require surgery to improve the blood flow in their legs. This is especially true for patients with PAD who have slow-healing or non-healing wounds, as these patients are at highest risk for amputation.

If you are concerned you may have PAD, please talk to your doctor today!

More information can be found here

  • 腳或腿上的傷口不癒合或癒合速度非常慢。有時候腳趾甚至會變黑。或
  • 在勞累時小腿肌肉、大腿肌肉或臀部肌肉感到疼痛、抽筋。這種疼痛在休息後會消失,通常不會因站立而加劇。



